If you are interested in serving as a Liturgical Minister, please contact Angie Wulff in the Parish Office.

We are always looking for Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, Ushers, and Lectors.
Children in the parish (4th Grade and up) are also encouraged to be Servers!



Adopt-A-Spot – There are spots all over our beautiful campus, that are cared for by our parishioners. If you love to garden or landscape, please call the parish office to see what spots are available.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Adoration is held on the First Friday of every month from 9:00am – 6:00pm, ending with group prayer and Benediction. There will be a signup sheet posted for anyone to sign up for an hour time slot. Come spend an hour (or more) with Jesus!

Altar & Environment Team – The church is constantly being used for Masses, weddings, funerals, and special holy days, often requiring decorations and changing out linens. Volunteers are needed to help with major portions of decorating, as well as tear-down at the end of the seasons. Contact Sherri Haas at 812-499-5776 for more information.

Bible Studies – Bible studies and lectures are offered on a regular basis through the Faith Formation office. Check the bulletin for details.

Children’s Gospel Time – Held during the 10am Mass during the school year. Catechists teach 3 – 7 year olds about the Gospel for about 15 minutes during Mass. These catechists are put on a rotating schedule. Contact Cecilia Reising for more details.

Choir – Our parish Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings and performs usually at the 10am Mass the first weekend of the month, as well as on special holidays. Membership is open to anyone in high school and older. Reading music is helpful but not required. Contact Diane Sammet at 812-455-6303 or for more information.

Communion to the Nursing Homes/Homebound – Eucharistic ministers take Holy Communion and a little love to parishioners who are unable to come to Mass. Training and pics are provided. Contact Deacon Tom for more information.

Church Cleaning Crews – Volunteer groups are on a monthly rotating schedule to clean the church. Currently, each group cleans twice a year. Contact Angie Wulff for more information.

F.I.R.E. Religious Ed – Classes for children in the public schools or home-schooled are held Sunday mornings between Mases. It is open to children Kindergarten – 8th Grade. Volunteer catechists and high school assistants are needed.

Funeral Luncheon Ministry – Join a list of volunteers who cook, bake or buy salads, sides, or desserts for a family hosting a funeral luncheon here at Corpus Christi. Help is needed for set-up and clean-up, as well. Contact Carroll Knight at 812-204-4745 for more information.

Men’s Club – Any man in the parish is welcome to join the Men’s Club for socializing, fundraising, project completion, and planning ways to assist the parish. Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, at 8:00pm. Contact the parish office for more information.

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) – Adult parishioners wishing to become baptized or confirmed enter into formation in early September and are brought fully into communion with the Church at Easter. Sponsors are occasionally needed. Contact Deacon Tom for more details.

Parish Council – Our parish council is made up of elected parishioners representing all parishioners from various backgrounds, ages and experiences. Nominations and elections are held every summer.

Prayer Chain – Prayer warriors are always needed and are a foundational ministry of Corpus Christi. Texts are sent out to team members with specific prayer requests made known to the parish by friends and family of those needing prayer, and members pray on their own for these intentions. Contact Denise Corressell at 812-598-0473 for more information.

 SAGES of All Ages – Formerly called the Seniors Group, this monthly meal and presentation is open to all adults. You don’t have to wait until retirement to attend! The meetings happen on the third Wednesday of each month. Contact Brenda Born at 812-424-6159 for more information.

Serve Our School (SOS) Club – This team of volunteers donates a few hours here and there to help in our school. It may be reading to a class, handing out popcorn, helping at lunch or in the library, or setting up for events. This is a great option for Grandparents! Contact Leah Vaughn at 812-589-5140 for more information.

Sponsor Couples – Couples wishing to get married at Corpus Christi are expected to either attend a diocesan Engaged Couple retreat, or to attend 5 classes with a trained Sponsor Couple from the parish. Sponsor couples are always needed. Contact the parish office for details.

Women’s Club – All women in the parish, age 18+ are invited for dinner, fellowship and fun activities. Gathering are held on the second Monday of each month. Contact the parish office for more information.



Congregations Acting for Justice and Empowerment (CAJE) – Volunteers attend several meetings during the year to identify vital problems within our community and bring awareness to them with local and state leaders. This ground-level social justice movement is open to all and as a CAJE congregation, Corpus Christi is expected to send representatives to at least two regional meetings per year. Contact Pauline Bartek for more information.

Catholics for Habitat – A committee within the Habitat for Humanity of Evansville represented by numerous parish members of our diocese, Catholics for Habitat sponsors, fundraises and solicits volunteers for a yearly home build. Contact Craig Blessinger at 812-431-6155 for more information.

Cub Scout Pack 399 – This pack feeds into Boy Scout Troop 399 (at Sacred Heart) and is for boys in 1st – 5th grade. Contact Matt Stratman for more information.

Knights of Columbus – Our Auxilio Council is made up of men from both Corpus Christi and St. Philip parishes, who invest their time, effort, and resources in the KofC values of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism through a boundless variety of service projects and events. Contact Steve Greulich at 812-431-1565 for more information.

Ozanam Family Shelter – Volunteers are constantly needed to assist staff with general maintenance, activity planning, food preparation, and organizing the pantry after collection drives. Contact Nina Schultheis at 812-454-0253 for more information.

St. Vincent de Paul Society – Volunteers meet on the second Wednesday of each month to determine temporal needs of neighborhood people, then actively assist families in need with the support of our StVdP Food Pantry and Thrift Store. For more information, contact Cindy Masterson at 812-499-5530.

Right to Life – Parish volunteers assist with the yearly collections of baby items (during Advent), fundraisers, and the annual Life Chain, as well as work to get the Pro-Life word out at Corpus Christi and beyond. Please contact Andy Koressel at 812-430-8170 for more information.