Our Faith Formation Office offers public school youth of Corpus Chrisit Parish in grades K – 4 regular religious education classes through F.I.R.E. (Faith Inspired Religious Ed). We work with the School to provide First Communion and First Reconciliation preparation to all of our children in Grade 2.

For information on Religious Education for grades K-12, click below to fill out the Google form online. You may also email Cecilia Reising or call the parish office at (812) 422-2027.

Complete Form


Our Middle School and High School youth are served through our Youth Ministries. Confirmation preparation is provided by the parish for teenagers beginning their second semester of Freshman year (and how have at least one year of formal faith formation under their belt.)


If you are in grades 5 – 8, you are invited to IGNITE. Meetings are held at the Corpus Christi Cabin 2 or 3 times per month. Contact Lauren Singer at (812) 550-5052 for more information.


Grades 9 – 12. If you are a teenager in grades 9 – 12, you are invited to UNITE nights on Sunday evenings. Contact Sharon Shumate at (812) 470-9378 for more information or visit the UniteCYM.org website.


We offer Adult Faith Formation through bible studies, apologetics classes, RCIA, and many other devotional activities that are continuously being offered, depending upon the liturgical needs of parish families.